Vietnam Veteran's Day 2024

Despite horrific weather 30 of our Club Members travelled by bus (we had to order a bigger bus) to Manjimup for the Southwest Vietnam Veteran’s Commemoration Service.
We arrived at Manjimup RSL premises at 0930hrs and were greeted by morning tea and friendly banter from the Manjimup boys.
Other S/West Sub Branches were well represented and despite the inclement weather – around 150 people attended the Service.
Unfortunately, the March and Outside Service were cancelled due to the rain - so Plan B was activated, and the service was held in the main undercover Mall in the center of town, just a short walk from the RSL.
As well as the RSL members the service was well attended by members of the public.
MC for the proceedings was that well known Channel 7 weather man Millsy (ex-Navy!! Stoker), who as usual did an excellent job.
Following the service, members returned to the RSL Hall for fellowship. An excellent hot lunch was served (Roast Meats with veges) and a variety of sweets were available.
A monster raffle was held to help offset costs for the day and as usual Collie Boys won their fair share of the prizes, lucky we had the big bus.
By 1430hrs most visitors were leaving and Collie followed (last out again).
Friendly banter continued on the wet trip home, several stops were required along the way and of course the customary visit to the watering hole at Mumballup. We eventually arrived home at 1730hrs.
A great day was had by all.
Special thanks to:
• Manjimup Shire President Donnelle Buegge for the Service address,
• RSLWA Board Member Trent Morgan
• The Manjimup RSL for running a great day in very trying circumstances.
Next year (2025) the Southwest Vietnam Veterans Day will be held at Nannup. Planning has commenced!!